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Thank you for your interest

in The Saturday in the Park Music Festival and Arts Alley.

The festival takes place in Grandview Park of Sioux City on Saturday, July 6, 2024. This will mark our 34th year for Saturday in the Park. The attendance to the festival is usually around thirty thousand people. Everyone who attends gets to enjoy free, live quality music, a chance to shop & buy from Arts Alley vendors, plus enjoy unique & delicious cuisine from the food vendors. The festival’s first band starts at Noon and the last band usually ends around 10:30 p.m. Arts Alley is located in the middle of the festivities, down and to the right of the Beer Garden and up the hill from the Bandshell where the bands play.

We are planning for approximately 20 – 25 vendors. Everyone should be set-up and their cars moved to the designated parking area by 11:00 a.m. Set up begins at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Please do not arrive earlier to avoid confusion. Instructions for load-in/setup will be sent to you prior to the festival.

All vendors will be asked to stay until the end of the festival (around 10:30 p.m.) to avoid any safety issues due to the very large crowds we have in that area.

Everyone will have access to power (One 110V Plug per vendor); however, you will need to bring your own outdoor extension cords. We do not allow generators in the Arts Alley area due to noise and smell.

If you have displayed with us in previous years, please understand we can no longer “hold” your spaces from last year. We will do our best to put you in your old space but may have to move vendors around to compliment the layout of Arts Alley.


The Iowa Dept of Revenue no longer issues Temporary Sales Tax Numbers.

You must apply for a regular Iowa Sales Tax Permit and do it at least 6 weeks prior to the festival!
Each vendor is also responsible for collecting, payment and reporting his or her own sales tax. To apply for a sales tax permit, go to Iowa Sales Tax Permit

The fee for the spaces will be:
$135 for a 10’ x 10’ reserved by March 1st
$145 for a 10’ x 10’ reserved after March 1st
$170 for a 10’ x 10’ end space
(These are limited and will be assigned on a first come first serve basis!)

An end space assures that you will have front and sidewalk-around space but these spaces are very limited and will be assigned on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS so you will need to apply early; please note this on your reservation form.

We will notify you if you have been accepted into the festival by May 1st!

Each vendor is responsible for his or her own display fixtures. We suggest tables, chairs, tent/awning, plus signs and decorations. Someone must be staffing your booth from 11:30 a.m. - until you tear down. We expect everything that is sold in Arts Alley to be hand made. Store made plastic items, silkscreen t-shirts, and food and/or beverages are not allowed to be sold in Arts Alley. We do try to have volunteers to help you unload, but we may not always be able to give you as much help as you need. Please have your own people available to help you as well. Please contact me by e-mail or regular mail to tell me what you would plan to have for sale in your booth. If you have photos to send that would be ideal. We would love to have new, unique, quality items in Arts Alley! Looking forward to hearing from you!

Maurice Girard,
Arts Alley Chair

Saturday in the Park
PO Box 5104
Sioux City IA 51102

Contact Name

Number of Spaces Requested

Do you need electricity
One 11V plug per vendor

Iowa Sales Tax:
Tax ID No. (This must be filled in or you will NOT be able to be a vendor). Each Vendor must comply with Iowa Sales Tax Requirements. Vendor must disclose its Iowa sales tax number to Saturday in the Park, Inc. where indicated in this Application and Agreement, and Vendor is responsible for the collection of sales tax, payment and reporting of such tax to the Iowa Department of Revenue and Finance.

The Iowa Dept of Revenue no longer issues Temporary Sales Tax Numbers. You must apply for a regular Iowa Sales Tax Permit and do it at least 6 weeks prior to the festival! If you are applying for a sales tax number, please forward that number to Saturday in the Park at least two weeks prior to the festival.
To apply for a sales tax permit, go to: Iowa Sales Tax Permit

Final deadline for all applications is April 1, 2024

Type(s) of Media/Merchandise/Service to be sold:
For your benefit please be as specific as possible so we can try to avoid duplication. Vendor agrees to limit sales to these items unless approval for additional items is requested in writing and agreed to by Saturday in the Park, Inc. prior to June 1, 2024.

Blues City Journal Editorial: This must be completed by the vendor!
Please write an editorial (Limited to 50 words or less) on promoting your booth to customers. We will use this in the Blues City Journal, the official publication of SITP.

Any vendor editorial received after May 15, 2024 will not have their information included in the publication.

Arts Alley vendor does not hold Saturday in the Park, Inc. responsible for any loss or damage resulting from participation in Saturday in the Park.

Please return both pages of the completed and signed application along with payment. It is advised to make a copy for your records.

Make checks payable to:
Saturday in the Park, Inc
PO Box 5104,
Sioux City, IA 51102

For further information,
contact Maurice Girard


Please note:
We are asking that no one bring generators due to noise and smell. Every space is provided electricity and we ask that you come prepared to stay until the end of the festival for the safety of everyone attending.

Thank you for you cooperation and understanding.

Also, you must provide us with your Iowa Sales Tax Number two weeks prior to festival!